Bianchi Estates - a neighborhood in Roseville, CA 95747
News from around the Block
This is a place for news, updates, construction projects, events, etc. That way we're all informed and don't have to be paranoid every time we see strange cars parked in the neighborhood, etc.
The last vacant lot…
On the corner of Kenwood and Kenwood has been sold - to next door neighbors, Art Baird and Lee Battershell. They plan to build a one-story house for themselves and then sell their current home - maybe to their son!
The big field…
Inside the corner of Vineyard and Crowder, bordering many Muirwood Lane homes has been sold to one of the fellows in the big houses on the corner of Vineyard and Crowder. It’s about 20 acres, and is zoned for 5-acre minimum lots,. They plan to build 4 homes on spec and sell them.
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